NZCTA 2015 In Review
2015 was a busy year for the NZCTA. We introduced our monthly Yum Cha events that continue to be popular & our Awards were held in May with over 500 attendees. 2016 is shaping up to be an even busier year as we introduce new events and programmes. A summary of events and delegations that we were involved in is below:
HSBC NZCTA China Business Awards launch event
An event to launch the Awards. Attended by previous and potential award applicants, sponsors & members of NZCTA.
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
The NZCTA in association with the HKNZBA are holding a joint regular monthly informal Yum Cha & networking event.
The goal is to provide a consistent touch-point for members to rely on to maintain contact with fellow members, and an opportunity to gain new introductions.
Held in Auckland
In 2013, The NZCTA established the "Young Associates".
As the New Zealand China Trade Association’s younger contingency, the NZCTA Young Associates’ vision is to empower New Zealand for a prosperous future with China, and their mission is to strengthen trade and investment between our nations. This will be achieved by equipping our youth with the experience, knowledge, and skills that are requisite to success in a century that will be defined by China. They are dedicated to supporting the success of our youth through their programme of exclusive events, networking, internships, scholarships, and more.
Their members are students and young professionals who have an interest in China and trade. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, areas of study and professions, the Young Associates bring varied knowledge and experience, certain to provide for engaging discussion.
HSBC NZCTA China Business Awards - Finalists event
Established in 2004 to celebrate companies with successful business or investment relationships between New Zealand and China, the HSBC NZCTA China Business Awards have grown to become New Zealand’s preeminent awards recognising and rewarding business success in China and Hong Kong.
Food Industry Evolution
Disruption, mega trends and innovation within the food industry : How does the future look and the China century
Presented by Jeffrey Jackson.
Jeff has held CEO, MD and Senior Executive positions in food industry companies in the USA, Asia, Middle East and Oceania with Chiquita, MGroup and Castellini.
He has operated in China and with Chinese investors.
He has Californian degrees in business and in law. He is currently a Sydney based global agri-food consultant.
His food sector career began in 1982 in the team which launched the Fresh Express salad business in the US.
His range of expertise spans all areas of the agri-food industry from farming to consumer insights.
Jeff has presented recently in New York and will shortly address the themes in London.
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
NZCTA executive member Carol Cheng visited Changsha, Hunan Province in China on 7 April 2015. She was warmly welcome by CCPIT Hunan sub-council team in Changsha. Carol has introduced New Zealand Investment environment to CCPIT Hunan team and Mr. Qiang Hu, Vice Chairman of CCPIT Hunan sub-council has expressed interests to cooperate with NZCTA and visit NZ in the near future.

Torrey Zhang, Director of International Relations Dept. has kindly accompany Carol Cheng to visit Changsha Hi Tech Industrial Development Zone. Ms Weimin Li, deputy Director of Changsha Hi Tech Zone Commerce Bureau has introduced Changsha Hi Tech-International Science & Technology Business Platform and Changsha government subsidy policies to promote foreign investments in the Changsha Hi Tech Zone to Carol during the visit.

2015 HSBC NZCTA China Business Awards Grand Gala Dinner
Thursday, 7 May at the Viaduct Events Centre, Auckland.
A night of celebration of success as we recognise companies who are leaders in the thriving China - New Zealand trade relationship. From small beginnings our trade relationship with China has grown rapidly and is now the envy of many countries.
Guangdong - NZ Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference
Friday May 29: Business Matching and Networking
The Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, China would like to invite you to attend the Guangdong - NZ Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference.
The delegation includes a number of Chinese businesses interested in doing business with New Zealand.
Guangdong Province is currently China’s largest provincial economy (surpassing a GDP of $1 trillion in 2013), and ranks among the world’s 15 largest economies.
IP protection when trading online with China
China has a big demand for New Zealand products. Many NZ businesses are considering online selling to China. Some businesses are in the process of setting up their Chinese Website or investigating listing in a China based e-commerce website through a third party.
For many of them, IP protection can be an area they need to address as soon as they start working on their China market strategy.
Listen to Johnathan Chen, (James and Wells) provide some professional insight & advice on how NZ businesses can best protect their IP when trading online with China.
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
A view from the South - Business opportunities in Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta
NZ Trade Commissioner (Guangzhou), Mr John Cochrane and networking with like minded business people.
As the Trade Commissioner (Guangzhou), John is responsible for developing and maintaining an extensive network of business relationships in the region relevant to the trade and investment interests of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise's (NZTE) clients.
Tuesday 16th June 2015.
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
Breakfast with David Mahon
“Managing opportunities in post boom China”.
About David Mahon
David Mahon is the Founder and Managing Director of Mahon China Investment Management Ltd. He has managed five private equity portfolios in China and held direct responsibility for the management of over 25 Chinese companies. Mr Mahon has extensive experience advising multinationals on their strategies in China and has served on the boards of international and Chinese financial and industrial firms. Mr Mahon writes and publishes China Watch, a quarterly review of China’s political, economic and social developments. He is also a regular commentator in the Chinese and international news media. Mr Mahon has been a resident of China for thirty years.
In 2013, David was awarded the NZCTA "Victor Percival Award". This recognises among other things, excellent service for the advancement of relationships between New Zealand & China.
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
Exporting to Asia: Leveraging the value of your Intellectual Property.
If you are a Kiwi business who is exporting to Asia, or who would like to, then this seminar is for you.
In collaboration with NZCTA, James & Wells will illustrate the importance of implementing a sound IP strategy, before entering the Asian market.
This seminar will cover:
• Identifying your IP and its value when exporting
• How to access export opportunities in China
• What businesses need to look out for when trading with China
• Strategies to ensure you retain ownership and control of your brand in China
• IP protection when trading online
• Understanding the rapidly changing regulatory IP mindset in China
• IP protection surrounding potential distributor/manufacturer relationships in China
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
A Practical Guide to Creating a China Social Media Strategy
Hear from Jessica Miao, United Media Solution discuss Social Media and China.
Jessica will cover:
- Reaching your audience with social marketing
- Growing your social media presence
- Boost your content
- Setting a goal of Audience Volume/Engagement Level
Ngai Tahu - Steve Lester
Steve Lester GM Sales & Market Development for Ngai Tahu Tourism
This presentation looks at how a NZ tourism operator has dealt with China as an outbound travel marketSteve Lester will discuss :
Tourism and opening the entry gates in our part of the world
In particular the key themes are :
• Where the market has been
• The challenges operators face
• How Ngai Tahu Tourism has worked with the market
• Being ready for the coming flights and influx of customers
Ngai Tahu Tourism was a winner at the 2015 NZCTA HSBC China Business Awards in May, winning the Auckland International Airport Award for Excellence in Tourism.
NZCTA Chairman, Martin Thomson's participation in the NZCC Partnership Forum.
More than 60 business, community and government leaders met their Chinese counterparts in Beijing in September 2015 for the second New Zealand China Partnership Forum.
The purpose of the 2015 forum was to improve the way New Zealand and China work together on food, tourism, people to people ties and investment. The Forum is co-hosted by the New Zealand China Council and the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges.
Breakfast with Paul Bloxham (HSBC Chief Economist for NZ & Australia)
Dairy's down, but don't panic....
Breakfast with Paul Bloxham, HSBC's Chief Economist for NZ & Australia.
Paul will cover:
Dairy faces headwinds from weak Chinese demand and a global supply glut, but New Zealand's growth story is broader than just dairy
A construction upswing is expected to continue, as strong net inward migration drives demand for housing, particularly in Auckland
The tourism and education export industries are getting strong support from rising Asian middle class incomes and a lower NZD
The lower NZD and recent RBNZ cuts are expected to see growth remain around trend and inflation head back to target in 2016
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
Jeremy Sargent - Overcoming the challenges of doing business in China
This event is organised in collaboration with Asia New Zealand Foundation and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
Jeremy Sargent is the managing partner of JSA, a legal consulting firm headquartered in Guangzhou. He has worked full-time as a lawyer in China since 1998. Prior to establishing his own firm in 2006, he oversaw the China offices of a large London-based international law firm. He is fluent in both written and spoken Chinese and is well-acquainted with China’s legal system.
Born in the UK, Sargent moved to Hong Kong with his parents in the 1970s. He later completed his first degree in Chinese at the University of Leeds, England, and was one of a handful of foreign students to study in China in the mid-1980s. Sargent sits on a number of business-related committees and currently chairs the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong. In 2011, he was awarded an OBE in recognition of his contribution to British business and legal services in China. He is also a New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Beachheads advisor.
Sargent will talk about overcoming the challenges of making it in China based on his experience building his own business and working with international clients throughout the country. Come and hear about the current business climate in China, local trade practices, consumer behaviour, and what it means to be adequately prepared and resourced in order to succeed in this rewarding but in many ways challenging market.
Breakfast with Huang Xiao Guang
Breakfast with Huang Xiao Guang, ANZ China CEO and hear his perspectives on:
• China in view of recent developments including; the stock market crash, economic downturn and low GDP growth. Where to next for China ?
• What does this mean for Kiwi businesses both large and small ?
• What are the key opportunities & challenges to consider at this point ?
• What are his views on Chinese corporates investing offshore ? Current trends & target sectors.
• The Chinese RMB and how should Kiwi businesses factor that in their trade/investment objectives ?
18 November 2015
It’s that time of the year again when we look at where we have come from and where we are going.
So mark your diaries now and register to enjoy a sumptuous lunch including wine and listen to our special guest speaker, Ambassador Wang Lutong - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Niue.
NZCTA & HKNZBA Monthly Yum Cha
Shanghai Entrepreneur Association - 2015 New Zealand visit
In 2013, The NZCTA established the "Young Associates".
As the New Zealand China Trade Association’s younger contingency, the NZCTA Young Associates’ vision is to empower New Zealand for a prosperous future with China, and their mission is to strengthen trade and investment between our nations. This will be achieved by equipping our youth with the experience, knowledge, and skills that are requisite to success in a century that will be defined by China. They are dedicated to supporting the success of our youth through their programme of exclusive events, networking, internships, scholarships, and more.
Their members are students and young professionals who have an interest in China and trade. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, areas of study and professions, the Young Associates bring varied knowledge and experience, certain to provide for engaging discussion.