by Michelle MacWilliam
NZCTA Southern has had its first event for 2014. This year we used a new location and format for our meeting.
Our guest speaker was Dr Jian Yang National MP who spoke to the attendees on Understanding China Opportunities and Challenges to New Zealand.
His presentation touched on the characteristics of the traditional political system from the time of the Emperor: and quickly moved through major influences until finishing with the current system and appreciating the transformation of the politics. He finished this section off with an outline of China’s grand strategy, the national security strategy, National development strategy and the unification strategy.
The second part of the presentation was around the opportunities and challenges facing New Zealand, Dr Yang covered the identifiable opportunities, as being, exporting, tourism, immigration and the English student numbers. He reminded attendees that there are challenges facing New Zealand and we must be mindful, to add value to our products, understand China and all the aspects, make sure we use our resources wisely and look to develop other markets to take our products to. The Q and A session was well received with attendees asking questions that covered the full spectrum of the presentation.
The second part of the evening was a traditional banquet and the food was beautifully cooked and presented, with a unanimous request to repeat this meeting format as our members continue to build strong networks and friendships within the NZCTA Southern forum.
Our next meeting will be at held on Wednesday 2nd April our Guest speaker is the Mayor of Christchurch Lianne Dalziel, who will discuss the Christchurch City Councils Perspective of engagement with China as Christchurch rebuilds post-quake. Areas to be discussed will be investment, tourism, trade, education and cultural connectively aspirations.
Event Details
5.15pm until 7.15pm networking with a guest speaker presentation – $25 per head for NZCTA Members/ $ 35 per head for non – members include complimentary drink on arrival and nibbles.
Payable online
7.30 pm onwards – set banquet $35 per head. Liquid refreshments are additional.
Payable on the night but please book in advance.
Lin’s Tomoei, The Seafood Place – Shop 11 West Link Mall
8-10 Brake Street Upper Riccarton Christchurch
For further information contact Michelle MacWilliam m.macwilliam@duocommunication.com
To register, please click here.
Mar 26, 2014