Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce has announced the successful applicants to host three New Zealand-China Research Collaboration Centres, supported through New Zealand’s Catalyst Fund for international science collaboration.The centres will enable better scientific engagement with China, bringing together researchers across New Zealand in the areas of water research, food safety and security and non-communicable diseases. A total of $3.75 million in funding is available for the three centres over five years.
“These centres will be creating more enduring relationships with China, building on existing bilateral programmes,” Mr Joyce says.
The successful applicants are:
• Lincoln University, hosting the New Zealand-China Water Research Centre
• Massey University, hosting the New Zealand-China Food Protection Network – a Collaborative Centre for Food Safety and Security
• The University of Otago, hosting the New Zealand-China Non-Communicable Diseases Collaboration Centre.
The three centres were chosen for their strong and inclusive networks across New Zealand, along with their extensive connections with world-leading institutions in China,” Mr Joyce says.
“International science and innovation connections are important for a small nation like ours. They bring new ideas, technology and sources of funding into New Zealand, and are crucial for the export of innovations generated in New Zealand.
“China is a very important collaboration partner for New Zealand and these centres will deliver on a key action identified at the New Zealand–China Joint Commission Meeting on science and technology in April last year.
“Our scientists will be provided with the tools they need to effectively engage with Chinese institutions. They will be supported to share their connections and experiences, using this knowledge to form and strengthen research partnerships with China.”
The Catalyst Fund supports and fosters collaborations leveraging international science and innovation for New Zealand’s benefit.
International science and innovation connectivity is a key contributor to achieving the vision of National Statement of Science Investment, providing an opportunity to drive increasing excellence and the potential for impact of New Zealand research.
Public summaries of the three centres can be found here.
Jul 21, 2016