Telling the China story
By Glen Murphy. In 2012, I moved back to New Zealand after the best part of a decade living and working in China and Hong Kong. I missed China, but I loved being back and made a point of seeing parts of the country that I hadn't been to before – it was fantastic. However, I particularly loved being back in Auckland...

Cultural connections contribute to Guanxi
Cultural similarities between Maori and Chinese can provide a unique connection, contributing to lasting and meaningful Guanxi in the China market. Kefeng Chu, Director at Richiwi, says there are a surprising number of links between Maori and Chinese people, spanning legend, language, tradition and, according to some...

China’s enduring growth: Capitalising on global trends
PwC 17th Annual Global CEO Survey – The view from China: As the global economy begins to show signs of recovery CEOs around the world are starting to shift their focus from ‘how can we survive?’ to ‘how can we grow?’But for China’s CEOs, who have been in growth mode for much of the last...

China’s ever-changing commercial landscape
By Rod MacKenzie: Keeping track of the ever-changing commercial environment in China is a full-time occupation but essential for anyone serious about doing business in this astonishingly complex country. The Chinese have few qualms about changing the rules, often dramatically, and do so frequently and with regard only...

Balancing guanxi ledger pays dividends
By Pat English, Executive Director, New Zealand China Council: We read about it or see it in the news every other week. But very few of us can pronounce it, let alone put a name to it. Even fewer of us genuinely understand it. I'm talking about guanxi, one of the most important of Chinese relationship customs. Simply...
Capital’s latest delegation to China brings success for ...
By Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor of Wellington: Mayor Celia Wade-Brown reflects on her recent delegation to China. I've been a longtime supporter of Mayoral delegations to Asia, well before I was elected Mayor and took on the responsibility for leading them myself. Understanding each other’s culture, making...

A Shanghai story
By Glen Murphy, Regional Director, China, NZTE: John Chan was one of the first people I met when I moved to China in early 2003. John had just published his book China Streetsmart and my predecessor had provided some data for the book so John wanted to introduce himself.I was new to China whereas John had moved to...

Tim Groser - Address to the NZ China Centre Conference
Hon Tim Groser: Minister of Trade: 2 July 2014 Address to the NZ China Centre Conference. Thank you for this opportunity to address the NZ China Centre at my old Alma Mater, Victoria University. I of course understand there are other pathways to relative professional success than tertiary qualifications. But having...

China at the Crossroads
China at the Crossroads : By Tony Browne. In November 2013 China’s leaders met in plenary session – at the so-called Third Plenum of the ruling Communist Party’s current Central Committee – to decide on a new, far-reaching reform programme. Opinions are divided on how effective this programme of...
MFAT Survey on exporting to Asia
Do you export to Asia ? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) needs to hear about the priorities and challenges faced by manufacturing, processing and forestry companies who export to Asian markets, to help the Government advance and protect NZ's economic and commercial interests in negotiations for the...

The East is Green:
The Future of China’s Environmental Regime : By Matthew Zito, Editor, China Briefing In the month since China announced the first revisions to its 1989 Environmental Protection Law, the Revised Law‘s implications have been closely studied by policy analysts, media outlets, and foreign investors alike,...

China: A market to sell to, or a customer to help?
By Glen Murphy, Regional Director, China, NZTE : Before joining NZTE, I started a sales consulting and training business and used my time and experience to help companies develop a modern approach to their sales efforts. Over three years, I conducted 60 assignments in 13 countries, so it was a terrific and...