Auckland International Airport Ltd - Accelerate Guangdong
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment : Auckland International Airport Limited (AIAL) is focussed on increasing the air connectivity out of Guangdong, China. Guangdong is China’s largest consumer market with one of the highest per capita disposable incomes. Diversifying from its usual marketing...

New Zealand and China: Looking ahead, what China's ...
HE Ambassador Wang Lutong. Full text of the speech by Ambassador Wang Lutong at Victoria University. Dear Mr. Neil Quigley, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington, Mr. Tony Browne, Chairman of Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington, Mr. Peter Harris, Acting Director of New...

An Overview of China’s Retail Industry
By Eunice Ku, Dezan Shira & Associates. Changing Consumer Market. Moving towards a consumption – and service – focused economic model Underpinned by the steady rise of household income, China’s retail market has become one of the most lucrative and rapidly growing...
NZCTA Welcomes New Zealand Post as a Gold Sponsor
New Zealand Post today became the newest sponsor of the NZCTA. NZ Post joins our Platinum sponsor HSBC, Gold sponsors DLA Philips Fox, The Langham Auckland, Cathay Pacific and Silver sponsor Cosco, as a Gold sponsor of the NZCTA. NZ Post also launched their E-commerce pathway to China event working in conjunction...

Why proactive relationship building works in China
By Glen Murphy, NZTE Regional Director, China Those of us who have been pushed out of the way in a Shanghai supermarket by fellow shoppers will know what it’s like to be treated as if you’re not even there. Yet how does that situation gel with the incredible acts of generosity I’ve experienced from...
Video: Maximising Business Value with Sina Weibo
For the video link, please click here If you are marketing your products in China you’ll have heard of Sina Weibo – the country’s biggest social media network. With an astounding 536 million users it offers huge reach for brands, but how can you use it to drive awareness...

New postal address for NZCTA
Please be advised that NZCTA's postal address has changed. Our new postal address is: New Zealand China Trade Association P O Box 106445 Auckland City Auckland 1143

Time to revise the TWI to reflect modern New Zealand’s ...
The folks at NZIER have kindly shared their latest insight piece with us. Please click here to access the document.

Social Media Event in Wellington
By Vallen Han, Asian Marketing Director, New Zealand Post In December 2013, NZCTA and NZTE jointly hosted an event in Wellington on Brand Management in the context of Social Media in China. NZCTA Chair Tim White and Brian Chandler, Global Logistics Director of NZ Post flew from Auckland to attend the event. Kefeng Chu,...

NZCTA Southern Update March 2014
by Michelle MacWilliam NZCTA Southern has had its first event for 2014. This year we used a new location and format for our meeting. Our guest speaker was Dr Jian Yang National MP who spoke to the attendees on Understanding China Opportunities and Challenges to New Zealand. His presentation touched on the...

NZCTA Southern Update - February
By Michelle MacWilliam Christchurch celebrated the start of the Chinese New Year Year of the Horse – in grand style. With the year of the wooden horse meant to bring health and prosperity it is said to be an excellent time to travel, as the next 12 months will bring good luck. You are advised to mingle with the...

NZCTA Southern Update
2014 is here and we in the South Island look forward to increased prosperity and positive growth as the rebuild of the Christchurch and its flow on effects gain momentum. Over the holiday period I had the opportunity to catch up with Matthew Findlay, General Manager, Aeronautical Business Development for Christchurch...