Qianhai Taking RMB Internationalisation to The Next Level
Anita Fung, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong, HSBC A quiet revolution is taking place across the border in Shenzhen that has the potential to change China’s financial sector beyond recognition, and with broad implications for Hong Kong. Last month, the People’s Bank of China published the provisional...

NZCTA Southern Update
By Michelle MacWilliam We have said goodbye to a lumpy year in the South Island and I would imagine our Christchurch membership have the finest Risk Management plans for natural disasters in the country. NZCTA had several inconveniences with venues being closed for earthquake repairs and as a result our functions were...

China - In The Beginning...
By Bruce Ullrich OBE I had travelled internationally on a regular basis since 1968 on business and sporting matters, and during that time I had been a member of several International Business Councils focusing on Asia. In the 1990s I was heading a Committee that wanted to make a bid for the 2006 Winter Olympics (it would...

Strong Growth Expected to Continue in 2013
By Tony Alexander This time a year ago the general expectation was that with conditions in Europe getting worse and the United States economy yet to show any firm signs of strong growth that China’s economy would experience less growth than over 2011. Such has turned out to be the case with...

China, a traders’ delight
China is a trader’s delight, guest speaker at the New Zealand China Trade Association, David Caselli, told the association’s Annual General Meeting on October 31st. “China is a deep market with many niches and segments available to exploit,” he said. “The challenge is deciding what...
Capital hosts biggest ever Chinese delegation
By Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor of Wellington City I was delighted to host a delegation from Zhejiang to Wellington in September. The 180-strong delegation, the largest ever received in the capital, was here in an official capacity to expand the partnership between the Wellington Region and Zhejiang Province. Governor XIA...
New Zealand’s economic resurgence and the Asian opportunity
By Mike Smith, ANZ Group Chief Executive Officer I think it’s fair to say that the economic situation in New Zealand has stabilised over the past three years but it’s only slowly moving beyond a number of significant challenges. These challenges include the uncertain global economic outlook; cautious...
China slowing but NZ export growth continues apace
By Tony Alexander, BNZ Chief Economist In China all attention now is on the upcoming People’s National Congress and presentation of the new Standing Committee in particular. In terms of immediate economic policy not much will change as it will take some time for the new leaders to get their networks in place and...

China and Massey University - Sino the times
By Arthur Chin – Director, International – Massey University A Chinese Film Festival run by Massey University in Palmerston North featuring recent art house and documentary movies throughout September is just one example of how China is at the forefront of the University’s current thinking and...

Chasing the dragon
By Ellie van Baaren Four years ago New Zealand proudly became the first western country to sign a free trade agreement with China, but things move fast when it comes to the world’s second largest economy. Have our businesses taken full advantage of what the FTA offered and what other opportunities are out there?...

HSBC China Services PMI
Overall activity growth at joint-fastest pace in nine months July’s survey findings showed business activity (covering manufacturing and services) in China rising at the join-fastest rate in nine months. This was signalled by the HSBC Composite Output Index posting 51.9, up from 50.6 in June. Overall growth...

Chinese Supporting NZ Tourism
By Tony Alexander, BNZ Chief Economist The Ministry of Economic Development released their June quarter International Visitor Survey this month and what it shows us is that at a time when there is essentially no growth in the earnings of the tourism sector in New Zealand the spending by Chinese visitors has risen sharply....