China General Interest
Even with the global slow down China's escalating consumer demand and economic growth is still providing opportunities. For the 2007 year end, most markets were already slowing, China announced deals totalling US$122.5 billion, an increase of 65.3% on the previous year, heading off the other emerging markets of India and Brazil.
Spotlight on China provides an overview of the transaction considerations and challenges surrounding deal-making in this attractive Asian powerhouse, including several industry specific insights.
“Ten years ago, the China strategy was about sourcing: establishing a low-cost manufacturing base to serve the rest of the world. Today, the options have multiplied to include participating in China’s market growth from the inside, or exporting to it. Each of these involves a different path.”
Please click here to download the report. (1MB, pdf)
Joanna Doolan is a Tax Partner with Ernst & Young and Florence Wong is a Senior Tax Manager in our China Business Group.
Dec 3, 2008