China General Interest
This article should remove some of the mystery about investing in Chinese real estate and should give you a basic understanding of how it can be accomplished. Many investors have found China to be a very rewarding place to invest and have profited greatly from their investments. Others have gone home with financial losses but experience gains. Some of the lessons to be learned from those who have not done well in China are:
- Give strong consideration to using a partner, and choose the right partners
- Work with a trusted, objective advisor
- Be aware of the economic, tax and regulatory landscape, and understand that they can change at any given time
- Recognise that each local tax bureau jurisdiction may treat similar situations differently
- Remember that no deal will be perfect with all the risks mitigated; and
- Plan your exit before you plan your investment.
To read the full document, please click here.
Joanna Doolan is a Tax Partner with Ernst & Young and Florence Wong is a Senior Manager they are both part of the Ernst & Young China Business Group. If you require any assistance or further information, please feel free to contact them: joanna.doolan@nz.ey.com, florence.wong@nz.ey.com
Oct 20, 2009