Our Taniwha Economy: Talking trade with the Chinese Dragon
By Hon Dr Pita Sharples, Minister of Maori Affairs Thousands of years before Europeans arrived in the Asia Pacific region our ancestors set off from Asia to establish civilisations stretching from Papua in the west, Hawaii in the north, Rapanui in the east and Aotearoa, New Zealand in the south. At the helm of the...

Rakon/Huawei Announce Technology Partnership
New Zealand high technology company Rakon signed a letter of intent in August 2012 with Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, which targets a quadrupling of Rakon’s sales to Huawei over the next five years to US$56 million. Rakon’s product range, advanced technology and competitiveness were significant factors for...

HSBC sees tectonic shift in patterns of trade over next ...
By Gary Cross, Head of Global Trade and Receivables Finance, HSBC International trade greases the wheels of the global economy and is a significant wealth creator. For the past two years, however, global market uncertainty and inconsistent demand dynamics have stunted trade growth. We are confident that the...
China trade hopes increase with delegation of 44
A delegation of 44 Chinese business people and local government officials visited Auckland and signed an agreement with the New Zealand business community to work together to promote and strengthen trade and investment between the countries. Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding* were the vice chairman of the...
Mayor Wade-Brown reflects on 2012 delegation to China
By Celia Wade-Brown, Mayor of Wellington City Today Wellingtonians enjoy closer and more diverse connections with China than ever before. It is an exciting time that brings many opportunities. This year has seen a significant increase in closer relations between our two countries, and in particular between...

Chinese government designates special emerging industries ...
By Tony Alexander, BNZ Chief Economist The Chinese government has designated seven special emerging industries for which it is targeting a GDP contribution rising from 4% in 2010 to 8% in 2015 then 15% by 2020. These industries are ones in which operators will receive special support including a special fund of US$1.1bn...

Wine, Television and the Gibson Group
New Zealand might know a thing or two about wine, but what does it know about making Chinese television? It’s a country of just four million people but soon New Zealand production company Gibson Group will reach an audience of 620 million Chinese viewers. In June, Tianjin Television, one of China’s largest...

China Has Youngest Affluent Population in Asia says HSBC
Affluent Chinese are the youngest of Asia’s affluent population with an average age of 36, followed by Indonesians at 38 and Indians at 39, according to the latest HSBC Affluent Asian Tracker. On average, affluent Asians hold average liquid assets of over US$190,000 led by Hong Kong with US$315,116, followed...

What Makes a City Tier in China?
We often hear of China’s first or second or third tier cities, yet what actually makes a city tier? The terms are so often used, yet there is actually no official formula for determining what tier a city falls in. Instead, everyone makes up their own rules. There are a few common views on which Chinese cities...

David Mahon on Losing China
In a recent publication from Mahon China, David Mahon explains why New Zealand is losing China and what we can do to rectify the situation. “New Zealand is losing China. The reluctance of New Zealand companies to seek opportunities in China, and the fragmented character of the New Zealand...

The Competitiveness of China's Labour Costs
Low labour costs have been a crucial element of China's low cost country sourcing advantage. Yet in the course of this year a series of strikes and labour shortages in China have to some observers heralded the end of the era of 'cheap' China. Salary increases have supposedly become common in China's manufacturing sector -...

Can China’s Consumers Spend Another US$790 Billion ...
US$1.58 trillion. That’s actually the magic figure. The sum represents the total number of exports that China sent overseas last year. Amidst calls for China to rebalance its economy and shift its reliance on exports towards a more balanced, consumer driven economy, the Chinese government has been taking significant...