By Charles Rowe.
The New Zealand Centre at Peking University recently launched its new website in cooperation with the International Relations Division of Peking University (http://nzc.sfl.pku.edu.cn/).
The Centre, which is located on the Beijing Yanyuan Campus alongside the iconic Weiming Lake is the product of an effective partnership involving Peking University, five of New Zealand's state-owned universities (University of Auckland, University of Otago, Victoria University, Waikato University, and University of Canterbury), and New Zealand Government agencies Education New Zealand, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment. The Centre provides a unique venue for high level cooperation between China's most prestigious university and New Zealand's leading tertiary education and research institutes. The Centre is charged with raising the profile of New Zealand tertiary education and research, and as part of this endeavour the Centre is primarily responsible for organizing the 'New Zealand Studies Undergraduate Course' which is taught in English with supervision from the Peking University School of Foreign Languages.
Undergraduate students at Peking University are required to complete a series of elective papers taught in English, and the New Zealand Studies course has proven to be amongst the most popular choices since first being offered in 2009. Guest lecturers, including visiting fellows from partner institutions arranged by the Centre, are frequently invited to provide lectures and contribute to panels on matters concerning New Zealand research and innovation.
If you are interested in following developments at the Centre, please take note that a 'LinkedIn' group was recently launched allowing users of the professional networking platform to subscribe to notifications of website updates - users can easily search 'The New Zealand Centre' on the LinkedIn homepage under 'Groups' to subscribe. The Centre also plans to resurrect the 'Friends of the New Zealand Centre' initiative to encourage effective networking amongst Beijing-based alumni of partner institutions and organizations. If you wish to get in touch directly, you can contact our liaison officer Charles Rowe (charlesjohnrowe@otagoalumni.ac.nz).
Members of NZCTA are encouraged to make contact with the Centre during visits to Beijing.
Apr 14, 2014