Should you be looking for a reason to visit Samoa you might consider arranging a holiday there to coincide with the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre’s next conference.
In partnership with the National University of Samoa and the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou we are holding a conference on “China and the Pacific – The View from Oceania”. The conference will be held in the fale of the National University of Samoa in Apia from 25-27 February. This will be the first conference that examines China’s growing role in the region primarily from a Pacific Islands perspective.
Speakers from both academia and government will take part from Samoa, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia, as well as from New Zealand, China, Australia and Hawaii. The full conference programme will be available shortly.
Further information and registration details are on the NZCCRC website: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/chinaresearchcentre/programmes-and-projects/china-symposiums/china-and-the-pacific-the-view-from-oceania
Conference information also available on National University of Samoa website:
Jan 25, 2015