A message from co-chairs, Jo Coughlan and Raymond Huo.
We want to report we are making great progress on the upcoming inaugural New Zealand Chinese Language Week. A NZCLW website has been launched, http://nzclw.com, and we are now populating it with relevant resources and events.
New Zealand Chinese Language Week is about promoting the wonderful work that is already going on in our communities to support the relationship between China and New Zealand as well as encouraging ordinary New Zealanders to give Mandarin a go.
If anyone has relevant resources that are freely available and can be accessed online please let us know (details on the website) so we can share them via our website and social media channels.
We welcome people promoting NZCLW to their networks. In the first instance sharing the website address and inviting friends and colleagues to ‘like’ our Facebook page would be very helpful.
We hope everyone can join us in supporting New Zealand Chinese Language Week and in doing so help raise the profile of Chinese language in New Zealand.
Aug 28, 2015