Being a New Zealand business can be a real selling point if you’re looking to export or expand overseas. A new online toolkit offers advice and case studies, along with free infographics and high-resolution images and videos to help your business articulate the unique value of your New Zealandness to an international audience.
The toolkit is put together by New Zealand Story, an independent agency that brings together expertise from the private sector and government agencies like NZTE, Tourism
New Zealand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The toolkit’s resources can help you tell a more comprehensive and accurate story of the value your business delivers and connects your brand with characteristics associated with
New Zealand – kaitiaki (guardianship), integrity and resourcefulness. It will also make sure your marketing efforts tap into the wider investment being made offshore by the New
Zealand Government in our country’s story.
The story is best told using three chapters, Open Spaces, Open Hearts and Open Minds.
These three chapters provide you with a simple way to express your New Zealand difference
– expanding beyond the natural landscape, to include the value of your people and your innovative mind-set.
Craft your own unique NZ Story
Stories bring ideas to life in a way that makes them both memorable and shareable – exactly what your business needs to stand out from the crowd. Select from a range of free resources to help you bring your story to life:
- Hundreds of professionally shot images drawing on the three chapters.
- Videos to help you set the scene and introduce New Zealand.
- Raw video footage for you to create your own tailored version.
- Infographics on our prominent position globally.
- Presentations designed to help you introduce New Zealand, its business environment and economy.
- Case studies so you can see how other business are using New Zealand Story resources – businesses like Charlie’s juice company, McMullen & Wing yacht builders and Ora King Salmon.
Register at www.nzstory.govt.nz for access to the free business toolkit. You can also subscribe to the New Zealand Story newsletter to keep up-to-date with new content, research and case studies.
The New Zealand Story
Nov 1, 2015