Entering the Chinese Food & Beverage Market – The ...
By Nicholas Hopper China’s restaurant and food retail market is a difficult one to break into. Competition is fierce and prices are low. Nevertheless, the prospect of getting a share of the most populous market in the world outweighs the associated risks for many foreign restaurant chains. Guillermo García is...

Doing Business in China – 6 Tips for Foreigners
By David Thomas, Think Global Consulting Over the last 10 years, I have led numerous delegations, study tours and client visit programs to China (and Hong Kong) and observed at first hand some of the mistakes that are often made when attempting to engage with the Chinese for business purposes. Here are my top 6 tips for...

By Kefeng Chu, NZTE Director – China Operations New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’s (NZTE) strategy in China is to focus on key sectors in which New Zealand has a competitive advantage. Food and beverages an obvious one. New Zealand’s fame for quality dairy, meat, seafood, wine and other food and...

Click here to view the HSBC New's release on Fund Manager's Turn on Greater China Equities.

NZ Govt launches China Strategy
Prime Minister John Key launched a formal strategy on 3 Feb to improve ties with China, including more investment from Chinese SOEs, and attracting more Chinese students and tourists. “The Strategy is built around developing the trade and economic links between New Zealand and the People’s Republic of China. Both...

Ni Hao, what now? Managing cross cultural business ...
By Lilly Shi, Solicitor at Kensington Swan Over the last decade, China has had a growing impact on the New Zealand business landscape. Increased Chinese investment has resulted in much needed capital flowing into New Zealand by way of acquisition, joint venture and alliance arrangements. However, different cultural and...

Non-tariff barriers that New Zealand companies experience ...
By Helen van Asch, Massey University Masters student A research report written to fulfil the requirements of a Master’s of Management Studies at Massey University identifies specific Chinese non-tariff barriers (NTBs) affecting New Zealand exporters and provides possible solutions to overcome them. Masters...

To China and Beyond: An SME Perspective
Trade with China can conjure up many visions of excitement ranging from the exotic imagery of the Silk Road through to the long awaited announcement late last year of the establishment of New Zealand’s first official Chinese angel investment network. And while the newspapers tend to dwell on the larger deals (large,...

A New Approach to China Procurement
China's procurement environment is changing under the weight of both old and new trends, and procurement managers worldwide must adapt to a new opportunity landscape. A different approach is now required that takes advantage of China's more sophisticated manufacturing base. For the past 10-15 years, China has been the...

10 Warning Signs That Your China Deal is Too Complicated
by Andrew Hupert Negotiating in China can get complicated fast. Negotiating with Chinese counter-parties is getting easier all the time, but there are plenty of situations to look out for. Many westerners who enter into a negotiation with a Chinese counter-party are so sensitive to cultural and interpersonal...

Translation vs. Transliteration in Converting Brand Names ...
by Chris Devonshire-Ellis An important aspect of any foreign company investing in China is how to present the company name and any associated brands while in the country. This matters, as it is mandatory for all company names, whether in English or any other language, to be converted into Chinese. For businesses, the...

Negotiating in China. 2 Speed Chinese Dealmaking: Fast ...
Are Chinese negotiating tactics an integral part of the new normal, or are is China still the exception making its own rules? Western negotiators in China for a one-time purchase or transaction don’t have to worry about cultural misunderstandings or local business custom as much as they would have 10 years ago....