Our core values of independence and promoting better outcomes for all New Zealanders are the driving force behind why we exist and how we work today. Clients value the work we produce for them. NZIER's advice is highly regarded as authoritative and independent by decision makers in both the private and public sectors.
We also provide Membership Services that include access to regular forecasts, commentary and expert advice. We are the logical partner for any organisation planning its cyclical response or strategic direction. NZIER's experienced forecasting team looks at, and beyond, the next quarter and asks the important questions of the day. Our commentary is based on analysis and robust frameworks, and draws on a wider team with deep and wide expertise in various fields of economics.
Members of NZIER have access to exclusive reports and data, including the long-running and highly respected Quarterly Predictions and the Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion. Our members also enjoy direct access to our forecasting team for advice.
As an Affiliate Partner of NZIER, NZCTA members are entitled to NZIER Affiliate Membership discounts and benefits.
Standard Membership: normally $2,450; NZCTA members pay $2,100 p.a.
Premium Membership: normally $6,950; NZCTA members pay $6,750 p.a.
To find out more contact:
Christina Leung Senior Economist & Head of Membership Services
Ph: 021 992 985